2019. július 13., szombat


After their journey of ground-breaking discovery and obtaining the high priest's tome, the gang's life took a different course, when they got back home to the overseas.

Maybe except Phillie. The mechanic had the less impact in this journey. He was glad to get back Ags among them, and see everyone doing well. Beside learning his past life, he started to be more supportive with Deen, going out with her in more lady-like activities in their free time and most importantly: they have started to plan their wedding. No specific dates were decided yet, but it was a major step for both of them for even taking it in cosideration: for Phillie because he was pretty carefree and for Deen because she was so overwhelmed in her matriarchic duties that she couldn't think of planning any ceremonies. So, the two of them have lots of relationship discussions ahead...

Ags has received the greatest impact of this journey of them all. Beside getting back on his feet he got an amazing boost to start over again. He looked for jobs - finally ended up in a fancy bar. That required him to get some smart clothes and tie his long hippie hair, but soon he started to enjoy serving drinks and get along with the customer. He moved along, got his life purpose, and beside getting a job that suited him, he also get his apartment cleaned and organized, cutting off drasticly all the supstances that he was consuming. Alcohol was still in the game after shift, though...

Renato has delivered the high priest's tome to Deen. He reported all the experience they had during the journey. Deen realized that both the journey, both the tome are absolutely life-changing in the zoolooks' community and history: Atlantis was the first place where they actually ere in a higher position than simple witch doctors and messengers between mankind and nature.
Renato and Cez started to see eachother again. They didn't dare to declare themselves official (yet) but at least they were hanging out and talking. Casey soothed a lot after the journey and had more willingness to cooperate and discuss other than having her decisions forced over. Renato - on the other hand - has come with terms with his parents: with a little help in the navy he found the contacts of his father. He called him one last time, cut the last remaining tied with him, and moved on. Working in the administratives at the navy had its benefits...
Finally, he brought himslef to visit the Vada Voodoo tattoo salon. His request from Cez: a Poseidon trident tattoo on his shoulder. It was both a reminder of his past life and a sign that whenever bad thing happen and finds himself on the ground, it's never too late to get up and start over...

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After their journey of ground-breaking discovery and obtaining the high priest's tome, the gang's life took a different course, when...